AMSA Mailing List Policy

AMSA Policy on Use of AMSA Mailing Lists by Other Organizations (Revised 12/08)

1. AMSA mailing lists (including the AMSA captains contact list) may not be used by any other organization without the express consent of the AMSA President.

2. AMSA mailing lists may be used by other organizations only for purposes which are related to soccer and which would benefit the members of AMSA.

3. In the event AMSA consents to the use of its mailing list by another organization, AMSA shall distribute the material provided by the other organization via “email blast”, and AMSA shall not provide the list itself to the other organization.

4. Unless decided otherwise by the President of AMSA, the charge for use of AMSA’s mailing list shall be $200 per email blast sent by AMSA. The $200 fee must be paid prior to AMSA’s sending the email blast.